Module TkZero.Dialog
Show standard dialogs. You can also sub-class a dialog to make your own.
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Show standard dialogs. You can also sub-class a dialog to make your own.
import tkinter as tk
from pathlib import Path
from tkinter import colorchooser
from tkinter import filedialog as fd
from tkinter import messagebox as mbox
from typing import Union
from TkZero import Window
def open_file(
initial_dir: Path = None,
title: str = None,
file_types: tuple[tuple[str, str], ...] = None,
) -> Union[Path, None]:
Ask the user to open a file.
:param initial_dir: The directory to start in. Should be a pathlib.Path
and defaults to None.
:param title: The title of the dialog. Should be a str and defaults to
:param file_types: The filetypes allowed. Should be a tuple of tuples of
str (ex. (("Text files, "*.txt"), ("All files", "*.*")) and defaults to
:return: A pathlib.Path of the path, or None if user canceled it.
if not isinstance(initial_dir, Path) and initial_dir is not None:
raise TypeError(
f"initial_dir is not a pathlib.Path! "
f"(type passed in: {repr(type(initial_dir))})"
if not isinstance(title, str) and title is not None:
raise TypeError(
f"title is not a str! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(title))})"
if not isinstance(file_types, tuple) and file_types is not None:
raise TypeError(
f"file_types is not a tuple! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(file_types))})"
file_path = fd.askopenfilename(
initialdir=str(initial_dir) if initial_dir is not None else None,
filetypes=file_types if file_types is not None else (),
return Path(file_path) if file_path else None
def save_file(
initial_dir: Path = None,
title: str = None,
file_types: tuple[tuple[str, str], ...] = None,
) -> Union[Path, None]:
Ask the user to save a file.
:param initial_dir: The directory to start in. Should be a pathlib.Path
and defaults to None.
:param title: The title of the dialog. Should be a str and defaults to
:param file_types: The filetypes allowed. Should be a tuple of tuples of
str (ex. (("Text files, "*.txt"), ("All files", "*.*")) and defaults to
:return: A pathlib.Path of the path, or None if user canceled it.
if not isinstance(initial_dir, Path) and initial_dir is not None:
raise TypeError(
f"initial_dir is not a pathlib.Path! "
f"(type passed in: {repr(type(initial_dir))})"
if not isinstance(title, str) and title is not None:
raise TypeError(
f"title is not a str! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(title))})"
if not isinstance(file_types, tuple) and file_types is not None:
raise TypeError(
f"file_types is not a tuple! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(file_types))})"
file_path = fd.asksaveasfilename(
initialdir=str(initial_dir) if initial_dir is not None else None,
filetypes=file_types if file_types is not None else (),
return Path(file_path) if file_path else None
def select_directory(initial_dir: Path = None, title: str = None) -> Union[Path, None]:
Ask the user to select a directory.
:param initial_dir: The directory to start in. Should be a pathlib.Path
and defaults to None.
:param title: The title of the dialog. Should be a str and defaults to
:return: A pathlib.Path of the path, or None if user canceled it.
if not isinstance(initial_dir, Path) and initial_dir is not None:
raise TypeError(
f"initial_dir is not a pathlib.Path! "
f"(type passed in: {repr(type(initial_dir))})"
if not isinstance(title, str) and title is not None:
raise TypeError(
f"title is not a str! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(title))})"
file_path = fd.askdirectory(initialdir=str(initial_dir), title=title)
return Path(file_path) if file_path else None
def choose_color(
initial_color: str = "ffffff", as_rgb: bool = False
) -> Union[Union[str, tuple[float]], None]:
Ask the user to select a color.
:param initial_color: The inital color to start with. Should be a str and
defaults to "ffffff" (white)
:param as_rgb: A bool on whether to return it as a tuple of floats or the
hex color string.
:return: A str of the color (ex. "ff0000" which is red) or a tuple of
floats (ex. (255.0, 0.0, 0.0) for red) if as_rgb is True or None if user
canceled or dialog failed? (need repro)
if not isinstance(initial_color, str):
raise TypeError(
f"initial_color is not a str! "
f"(type passed in: {repr(type(initial_color))})"
if not isinstance(as_rgb, bool):
raise TypeError(
f"as_rgb is not a bool! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(as_rgb))})"
color = colorchooser.askcolor(f"#{initial_color}")
return color[0] if as_rgb else color[1][1:]
except TypeError:
return None
def show_info(
parent: Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]],
title: str,
message: str,
detail: str = None,
) -> None:
Show a info box.
:param parent: The parent widget - should be a tk.Tk / tk.Toplevel.
:param title: The title of the info box - should be a str.
:param message: The message of the info box - should be a str.
:param detail: The detail of the info box (displayed under message) -
should be a str and defaults to None.
:return: None.
if not isinstance(parent, (tk.Widget, tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel)):
raise TypeError(
f"parent is not a Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]]! "
f"(type passed in: {repr(type(parent))})"
if not isinstance(title, str):
raise TypeError(
f"title is not a str! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(title))})"
if not isinstance(message, str):
raise TypeError(
f"message is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(message))})"
if not isinstance(detail, str) and detail is not None:
raise TypeError(
f"detail is not a str! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(detail))})"
mbox.showinfo(parent=parent, title=title, message=message, detail=detail)
def show_warning(
parent: Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]],
title: str,
message: str,
detail: str = None,
) -> None:
Show a warning box.
:param parent: The parent widget - should be a tk.Tk / tk.Toplevel.
:param title: The title of the warning box - should be a str.
:param message: The message of the warning box - should be a str.
:param detail: The detail of the warning box (displayed under message) -
should be a str and defaults to None.
:return: None.
if not isinstance(parent, (tk.Widget, tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel)):
raise TypeError(
f"parent is not a Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]]! "
f"(type passed in: {repr(type(parent))})"
if not isinstance(title, str):
raise TypeError(f"title is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(title))})")
if not isinstance(message, str):
raise TypeError(
f"message is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(message))})"
if not isinstance(detail, str) and detail is not None:
raise TypeError(f"detail is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(detail))})")
mbox.showwarning(parent=parent, title=title, message=message, detail=detail)
def show_error(
parent: Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]],
title: str,
message: str,
detail: str = None,
) -> None:
Show an error box.
:param parent: The parent widget - should be a tk.Tk / tk.Toplevel.
:param title: The title of the error box - should be a str.
:param message: The message of the error box - should be a str.
:param detail: The detail of the error box (displayed under message) -
should be a str and defaults to None.
:return: None.
if not isinstance(parent, (tk.Widget, tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel)):
raise TypeError(
f"parent is not a Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]]! "
f"(type passed in: {repr(type(parent))})"
if not isinstance(title, str):
raise TypeError(f"title is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(title))})")
if not isinstance(message, str):
raise TypeError(
f"message is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(message))})"
if not isinstance(detail, str) and detail is not None:
raise TypeError(f"detail is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(detail))})")
mbox.showerror(parent=parent, title=title, message=message, detail=detail)
def ask_ok_or_cancel(
parent: Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]],
title: str,
message: str,
detail: str = None,
) -> bool:
Show the user a prompt with the buttons "Ok" or "Cancel".
:param parent: The parent widget - should be a tk.Tk / tk.Toplevel.
:param title: The title of the box - should be a str.
:param message: The message of the box - should be a str.
:param detail: The detail of the box (displayed under message) - should be
a str and defaults to None.
:return: True if the user clicks Ok else False.
if not isinstance(parent, (tk.Widget, tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel)):
raise TypeError(
f"parent is not a Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]]! "
f"(type passed in: {repr(type(parent))})"
if not isinstance(title, str):
raise TypeError(f"title is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(title))})")
if not isinstance(message, str):
raise TypeError(
f"message is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(message))})"
if not isinstance(detail, str) and detail is not None:
raise TypeError(f"detail is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(detail))})")
return mbox.askokcancel(parent=parent, title=title, message=message, detail=detail)
def ask_yes_or_no(
parent: Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]],
title: str,
message: str,
detail: str = None,
) -> bool:
Show the user a prompt with the buttons "Yes" or "No".
:param parent: The parent widget - should be a tk.Tk / tk.Toplevel.
:param title: The title of the box - should be a str.
:param message: The message of the box - should be a str.
:param detail: The detail of the box (displayed under message) - should be
a str and defaults to None.
:return: True if the user clicks Yes else No.
if not isinstance(parent, (tk.Widget, tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel)):
raise TypeError(
f"parent is not a Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]]! "
f"(type passed in: {repr(type(parent))})"
if not isinstance(title, str):
raise TypeError(f"title is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(title))})")
if not isinstance(message, str):
raise TypeError(
f"message is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(message))})"
if not isinstance(detail, str) and detail is not None:
raise TypeError(f"detail is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(detail))})")
return mbox.askyesno(parent=parent, title=title, message=message, detail=detail)
def ask_yes_or_no_or_cancel(
parent: Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]],
title: str,
message: str,
detail: str = None,
) -> Union[bool, None]:
Show the user a prompt with the buttons "Yes" or "No" or "Cancel".
:param parent: The parent widget - should be a tk.Tk / tk.Toplevel.
:param title: The title of the box - should be a str.
:param message: The message of the box - should be a str.
:param detail: The detail of the box (displayed under message) - should be
a str and defaults to None.
:return: True if the user clicks Yes, False if the user clicks No, and
None if the user clicks Cancel.
if not isinstance(parent, (tk.Widget, tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel)):
raise TypeError(
f"parent is not a Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]]! "
f"(type passed in: {repr(type(parent))})"
if not isinstance(title, str):
raise TypeError(f"title is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(title))})")
if not isinstance(message, str):
raise TypeError(
f"message is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(message))})"
if not isinstance(detail, str) and detail is not None:
raise TypeError(f"detail is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(detail))})")
return mbox.askyesnocancel(
parent=parent, title=title, message=message, detail=detail
def ask_retry_cancel(
parent: Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]],
title: str,
message: str,
detail: str = None,
) -> bool:
Show the user a prompt with the buttons "Retry" or "Cancel".
:param parent: The parent widget - should be a tk.Tk / tk.Toplevel.
:param title: The title of the box - should be a str.
:param message: The message of the box - should be a str.
:param detail: The detail of the box (displayed under message) - should be
a str and defaults to None.
:return: True if the user clicks Retry otherwise False.
if not isinstance(parent, (tk.Widget, tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel)):
raise TypeError(
f"parent is not a Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]]! "
f"(type passed in: {repr(type(parent))})"
if not isinstance(title, str):
raise TypeError(f"title is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(title))})")
if not isinstance(message, str):
raise TypeError(
f"message is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(message))})"
if not isinstance(detail, str) and detail is not None:
raise TypeError(f"detail is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(detail))})")
return mbox.askretrycancel(
parent=parent, title=title, message=message, detail=detail
class CustomDialog(Window.Window):
def __init__(self, parent: Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]):
Create a custom dialog. (tk.Toplevel)
First create an instance of this dialog. Then grid all your widgets
into place. Then call grab_focus() (if needed) and then
wait_till_destroyed. (if needed)
:param parent: The parent, either a tk.Tk instance or a tk.Toplevel
if not isinstance(parent, (tk.Widget, tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel)):
raise TypeError(
f"parent is not a "
f"Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]]! "
f"(type passed in: {repr(type(parent))})"
def grab_focus(self) -> None:
Grab all focus to this window.
:return: None.
def release_focus(self) -> None:
Release the focus.
:return: None.
def wait_till_destroyed(self) -> None:
Pause here and wait until destroyed.
:return: None.
def destroy(self) -> None:
Destroy itself and all it's children. This will also release the focus.
:return: None.
def ask_ok_or_cancel(parent: Union[tkinter.Widget, tkinter.Tk, tkinter.Toplevel], title: str, message: str, detail: str = None) ‑> bool
Show the user a prompt with the buttons "Ok" or "Cancel".
:param parent: The parent widget - should be a tk.Tk / tk.Toplevel. :param title: The title of the box - should be a str. :param message: The message of the box - should be a str. :param detail: The detail of the box (displayed under message) - should be a str and defaults to None. :return: True if the user clicks Ok else False.
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def ask_ok_or_cancel( parent: Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]], title: str, message: str, detail: str = None, ) -> bool: """ Show the user a prompt with the buttons "Ok" or "Cancel". :param parent: The parent widget - should be a tk.Tk / tk.Toplevel. :param title: The title of the box - should be a str. :param message: The message of the box - should be a str. :param detail: The detail of the box (displayed under message) - should be a str and defaults to None. :return: True if the user clicks Ok else False. """ if not isinstance(parent, (tk.Widget, tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel)): raise TypeError( f"parent is not a Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]]! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(parent))})" ) if not isinstance(title, str): raise TypeError(f"title is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(title))})") if not isinstance(message, str): raise TypeError( f"message is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(message))})" ) if not isinstance(detail, str) and detail is not None: raise TypeError(f"detail is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(detail))})") return mbox.askokcancel(parent=parent, title=title, message=message, detail=detail)
def ask_retry_cancel(parent: Union[tkinter.Widget, tkinter.Tk, tkinter.Toplevel], title: str, message: str, detail: str = None) ‑> bool
Show the user a prompt with the buttons "Retry" or "Cancel".
:param parent: The parent widget - should be a tk.Tk / tk.Toplevel. :param title: The title of the box - should be a str. :param message: The message of the box - should be a str. :param detail: The detail of the box (displayed under message) - should be a str and defaults to None. :return: True if the user clicks Retry otherwise False.
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def ask_retry_cancel( parent: Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]], title: str, message: str, detail: str = None, ) -> bool: """ Show the user a prompt with the buttons "Retry" or "Cancel". :param parent: The parent widget - should be a tk.Tk / tk.Toplevel. :param title: The title of the box - should be a str. :param message: The message of the box - should be a str. :param detail: The detail of the box (displayed under message) - should be a str and defaults to None. :return: True if the user clicks Retry otherwise False. """ if not isinstance(parent, (tk.Widget, tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel)): raise TypeError( f"parent is not a Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]]! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(parent))})" ) if not isinstance(title, str): raise TypeError(f"title is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(title))})") if not isinstance(message, str): raise TypeError( f"message is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(message))})" ) if not isinstance(detail, str) and detail is not None: raise TypeError(f"detail is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(detail))})") return mbox.askretrycancel( parent=parent, title=title, message=message, detail=detail )
def ask_yes_or_no(parent: Union[tkinter.Widget, tkinter.Tk, tkinter.Toplevel], title: str, message: str, detail: str = None) ‑> bool
Show the user a prompt with the buttons "Yes" or "No".
:param parent: The parent widget - should be a tk.Tk / tk.Toplevel. :param title: The title of the box - should be a str. :param message: The message of the box - should be a str. :param detail: The detail of the box (displayed under message) - should be a str and defaults to None. :return: True if the user clicks Yes else No.
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def ask_yes_or_no( parent: Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]], title: str, message: str, detail: str = None, ) -> bool: """ Show the user a prompt with the buttons "Yes" or "No". :param parent: The parent widget - should be a tk.Tk / tk.Toplevel. :param title: The title of the box - should be a str. :param message: The message of the box - should be a str. :param detail: The detail of the box (displayed under message) - should be a str and defaults to None. :return: True if the user clicks Yes else No. """ if not isinstance(parent, (tk.Widget, tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel)): raise TypeError( f"parent is not a Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]]! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(parent))})" ) if not isinstance(title, str): raise TypeError(f"title is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(title))})") if not isinstance(message, str): raise TypeError( f"message is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(message))})" ) if not isinstance(detail, str) and detail is not None: raise TypeError(f"detail is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(detail))})") return mbox.askyesno(parent=parent, title=title, message=message, detail=detail)
def ask_yes_or_no_or_cancel(parent: Union[tkinter.Widget, tkinter.Tk, tkinter.Toplevel], title: str, message: str, detail: str = None) ‑> Optional[bool]
Show the user a prompt with the buttons "Yes" or "No" or "Cancel".
:param parent: The parent widget - should be a tk.Tk / tk.Toplevel. :param title: The title of the box - should be a str. :param message: The message of the box - should be a str. :param detail: The detail of the box (displayed under message) - should be a str and defaults to None. :return: True if the user clicks Yes, False if the user clicks No, and None if the user clicks Cancel.
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def ask_yes_or_no_or_cancel( parent: Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]], title: str, message: str, detail: str = None, ) -> Union[bool, None]: """ Show the user a prompt with the buttons "Yes" or "No" or "Cancel". :param parent: The parent widget - should be a tk.Tk / tk.Toplevel. :param title: The title of the box - should be a str. :param message: The message of the box - should be a str. :param detail: The detail of the box (displayed under message) - should be a str and defaults to None. :return: True if the user clicks Yes, False if the user clicks No, and None if the user clicks Cancel. """ if not isinstance(parent, (tk.Widget, tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel)): raise TypeError( f"parent is not a Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]]! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(parent))})" ) if not isinstance(title, str): raise TypeError(f"title is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(title))})") if not isinstance(message, str): raise TypeError( f"message is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(message))})" ) if not isinstance(detail, str) and detail is not None: raise TypeError(f"detail is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(detail))})") return mbox.askyesnocancel( parent=parent, title=title, message=message, detail=detail )
def choose_color(initial_color: str = 'ffffff', as_rgb: bool = False) ‑> Union[str, tuple, NoneType]
Ask the user to select a color.
:param initial_color: The inital color to start with. Should be a str and defaults to "ffffff" (white) :param as_rgb: A bool on whether to return it as a tuple of floats or the hex color string. :return: A str of the color (ex. "ff0000" which is red) or a tuple of floats (ex. (255.0, 0.0, 0.0) for red) if as_rgb is True or None if user canceled or dialog failed? (need repro)
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def choose_color( initial_color: str = "ffffff", as_rgb: bool = False ) -> Union[Union[str, tuple[float]], None]: """ Ask the user to select a color. :param initial_color: The inital color to start with. Should be a str and defaults to "ffffff" (white) :param as_rgb: A bool on whether to return it as a tuple of floats or the hex color string. :return: A str of the color (ex. "ff0000" which is red) or a tuple of floats (ex. (255.0, 0.0, 0.0) for red) if as_rgb is True or None if user canceled or dialog failed? (need repro) """ if not isinstance(initial_color, str): raise TypeError( f"initial_color is not a str! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(initial_color))})" ) if not isinstance(as_rgb, bool): raise TypeError( f"as_rgb is not a bool! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(as_rgb))})" ) color = colorchooser.askcolor(f"#{initial_color}") try: return color[0] if as_rgb else color[1][1:] except TypeError: return None
def open_file(initial_dir: pathlib.Path = None, title: str = None, file_types: tuple = None) ‑> Optional[pathlib.Path]
Ask the user to open a file.
:param initial_dir: The directory to start in. Should be a pathlib.Path and defaults to None. :param title: The title of the dialog. Should be a str and defaults to None. :param file_types: The filetypes allowed. Should be a tuple of tuples of str (ex. (("Text files, ".txt"), ("All files", ".*")) and defaults to None. :return: A pathlib.Path of the path, or None if user canceled it.
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def open_file( initial_dir: Path = None, title: str = None, file_types: tuple[tuple[str, str], ...] = None, ) -> Union[Path, None]: """ Ask the user to open a file. :param initial_dir: The directory to start in. Should be a pathlib.Path and defaults to None. :param title: The title of the dialog. Should be a str and defaults to None. :param file_types: The filetypes allowed. Should be a tuple of tuples of str (ex. (("Text files, "*.txt"), ("All files", "*.*")) and defaults to None. :return: A pathlib.Path of the path, or None if user canceled it. """ if not isinstance(initial_dir, Path) and initial_dir is not None: raise TypeError( f"initial_dir is not a pathlib.Path! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(initial_dir))})" ) if not isinstance(title, str) and title is not None: raise TypeError( f"title is not a str! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(title))})" ) if not isinstance(file_types, tuple) and file_types is not None: raise TypeError( f"file_types is not a tuple! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(file_types))})" ) file_path = fd.askopenfilename( initialdir=str(initial_dir) if initial_dir is not None else None, title=title, filetypes=file_types if file_types is not None else (), ) return Path(file_path) if file_path else None
def save_file(initial_dir: pathlib.Path = None, title: str = None, file_types: tuple = None) ‑> Optional[pathlib.Path]
Ask the user to save a file.
:param initial_dir: The directory to start in. Should be a pathlib.Path and defaults to None. :param title: The title of the dialog. Should be a str and defaults to None. :param file_types: The filetypes allowed. Should be a tuple of tuples of str (ex. (("Text files, ".txt"), ("All files", ".*")) and defaults to None. :return: A pathlib.Path of the path, or None if user canceled it.
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def save_file( initial_dir: Path = None, title: str = None, file_types: tuple[tuple[str, str], ...] = None, ) -> Union[Path, None]: """ Ask the user to save a file. :param initial_dir: The directory to start in. Should be a pathlib.Path and defaults to None. :param title: The title of the dialog. Should be a str and defaults to None. :param file_types: The filetypes allowed. Should be a tuple of tuples of str (ex. (("Text files, "*.txt"), ("All files", "*.*")) and defaults to None. :return: A pathlib.Path of the path, or None if user canceled it. """ if not isinstance(initial_dir, Path) and initial_dir is not None: raise TypeError( f"initial_dir is not a pathlib.Path! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(initial_dir))})" ) if not isinstance(title, str) and title is not None: raise TypeError( f"title is not a str! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(title))})" ) if not isinstance(file_types, tuple) and file_types is not None: raise TypeError( f"file_types is not a tuple! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(file_types))})" ) file_path = fd.asksaveasfilename( initialdir=str(initial_dir) if initial_dir is not None else None, title=title, filetypes=file_types if file_types is not None else (), ) return Path(file_path) if file_path else None
def select_directory(initial_dir: pathlib.Path = None, title: str = None) ‑> Optional[pathlib.Path]
Ask the user to select a directory.
:param initial_dir: The directory to start in. Should be a pathlib.Path and defaults to None. :param title: The title of the dialog. Should be a str and defaults to None. :return: A pathlib.Path of the path, or None if user canceled it.
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def select_directory(initial_dir: Path = None, title: str = None) -> Union[Path, None]: """ Ask the user to select a directory. :param initial_dir: The directory to start in. Should be a pathlib.Path and defaults to None. :param title: The title of the dialog. Should be a str and defaults to None. :return: A pathlib.Path of the path, or None if user canceled it. """ if not isinstance(initial_dir, Path) and initial_dir is not None: raise TypeError( f"initial_dir is not a pathlib.Path! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(initial_dir))})" ) if not isinstance(title, str) and title is not None: raise TypeError( f"title is not a str! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(title))})" ) file_path = fd.askdirectory(initialdir=str(initial_dir), title=title) return Path(file_path) if file_path else None
def show_error(parent: Union[tkinter.Widget, tkinter.Tk, tkinter.Toplevel], title: str, message: str, detail: str = None) ‑> NoneType
Show an error box.
:param parent: The parent widget - should be a tk.Tk / tk.Toplevel. :param title: The title of the error box - should be a str. :param message: The message of the error box - should be a str. :param detail: The detail of the error box (displayed under message) - should be a str and defaults to None. :return: None.
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def show_error( parent: Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]], title: str, message: str, detail: str = None, ) -> None: """ Show an error box. :param parent: The parent widget - should be a tk.Tk / tk.Toplevel. :param title: The title of the error box - should be a str. :param message: The message of the error box - should be a str. :param detail: The detail of the error box (displayed under message) - should be a str and defaults to None. :return: None. """ if not isinstance(parent, (tk.Widget, tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel)): raise TypeError( f"parent is not a Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]]! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(parent))})" ) if not isinstance(title, str): raise TypeError(f"title is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(title))})") if not isinstance(message, str): raise TypeError( f"message is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(message))})" ) if not isinstance(detail, str) and detail is not None: raise TypeError(f"detail is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(detail))})") mbox.showerror(parent=parent, title=title, message=message, detail=detail)
def show_info(parent: Union[tkinter.Widget, tkinter.Tk, tkinter.Toplevel], title: str, message: str, detail: str = None) ‑> NoneType
Show a info box.
:param parent: The parent widget - should be a tk.Tk / tk.Toplevel. :param title: The title of the info box - should be a str. :param message: The message of the info box - should be a str. :param detail: The detail of the info box (displayed under message) - should be a str and defaults to None. :return: None.
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def show_info( parent: Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]], title: str, message: str, detail: str = None, ) -> None: """ Show a info box. :param parent: The parent widget - should be a tk.Tk / tk.Toplevel. :param title: The title of the info box - should be a str. :param message: The message of the info box - should be a str. :param detail: The detail of the info box (displayed under message) - should be a str and defaults to None. :return: None. """ if not isinstance(parent, (tk.Widget, tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel)): raise TypeError( f"parent is not a Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]]! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(parent))})" ) if not isinstance(title, str): raise TypeError( f"title is not a str! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(title))})" ) if not isinstance(message, str): raise TypeError( f"message is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(message))})" ) if not isinstance(detail, str) and detail is not None: raise TypeError( f"detail is not a str! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(detail))})" ) mbox.showinfo(parent=parent, title=title, message=message, detail=detail)
def show_warning(parent: Union[tkinter.Widget, tkinter.Tk, tkinter.Toplevel], title: str, message: str, detail: str = None) ‑> NoneType
Show a warning box.
:param parent: The parent widget - should be a tk.Tk / tk.Toplevel. :param title: The title of the warning box - should be a str. :param message: The message of the warning box - should be a str. :param detail: The detail of the warning box (displayed under message) - should be a str and defaults to None. :return: None.
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def show_warning( parent: Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]], title: str, message: str, detail: str = None, ) -> None: """ Show a warning box. :param parent: The parent widget - should be a tk.Tk / tk.Toplevel. :param title: The title of the warning box - should be a str. :param message: The message of the warning box - should be a str. :param detail: The detail of the warning box (displayed under message) - should be a str and defaults to None. :return: None. """ if not isinstance(parent, (tk.Widget, tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel)): raise TypeError( f"parent is not a Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]]! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(parent))})" ) if not isinstance(title, str): raise TypeError(f"title is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(title))})") if not isinstance(message, str): raise TypeError( f"message is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(message))})" ) if not isinstance(detail, str) and detail is not None: raise TypeError(f"detail is not a str! (type passed in: {repr(type(detail))})") mbox.showwarning(parent=parent, title=title, message=message, detail=detail)
class CustomDialog (parent: Union[tkinter.Tk, tkinter.Toplevel])
The window class.
Create a custom dialog. (tk.Toplevel) First create an instance of this dialog. Then grid all your widgets into place. Then call grab_focus() (if needed) and then wait_till_destroyed. (if needed)
:param parent: The parent, either a tk.Tk instance or a tk.Toplevel instance.
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class CustomDialog(Window.Window): def __init__(self, parent: Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]): """ Create a custom dialog. (tk.Toplevel) First create an instance of this dialog. Then grid all your widgets into place. Then call grab_focus() (if needed) and then wait_till_destroyed. (if needed) :param parent: The parent, either a tk.Tk instance or a tk.Toplevel instance. """ if not isinstance(parent, (tk.Widget, tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel)): raise TypeError( f"parent is not a " f"Union[tk.Widget, Union[tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel]]! " f"(type passed in: {repr(type(parent))})" ) super().__init__(parent=parent) self.transient(master=parent) def grab_focus(self) -> None: """ Grab all focus to this window. :return: None. """ self.wait_visibility() self.grab_set() def release_focus(self) -> None: """ Release the focus. :return: None. """ self.grab_release() def wait_till_destroyed(self) -> None: """ Pause here and wait until destroyed. :return: None. """ self.wait_window() def destroy(self) -> None: """ Destroy itself and all it's children. This will also release the focus. :return: None. """ self.release_focus() super().destroy()
- Window
- tkinter.Toplevel
- tkinter.BaseWidget
- tkinter.Misc
- tkinter.Wm
def destroy(self) ‑> NoneType
Destroy itself and all it's children. This will also release the focus.
:return: None.
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def destroy(self) -> None: """ Destroy itself and all it's children. This will also release the focus. :return: None. """ self.release_focus() super().destroy()
def grab_focus(self) ‑> NoneType
Grab all focus to this window.
:return: None.
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def grab_focus(self) -> None: """ Grab all focus to this window. :return: None. """ self.wait_visibility() self.grab_set()
def release_focus(self) ‑> NoneType
Release the focus.
:return: None.
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def release_focus(self) -> None: """ Release the focus. :return: None. """ self.grab_release()
def wait_till_destroyed(self) ‑> NoneType
Pause here and wait until destroyed.
:return: None.
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def wait_till_destroyed(self) -> None: """ Pause here and wait until destroyed. :return: None. """ self.wait_window()
Inherited members